This past week I had two days off because of Thanksgiving, which
made for a 4 day weekend. This year I would be going to the in-laws for
Thanksgiving, which meant short drive on turkey day thanks to living in the
same town and I got to catch up with my wife’s cousin who has some fun
adventures. The conversation that I won’t forget was the one that involved his
new found passion for bow fishing. To sum up his story he and another “redneck”
buddy of his went fishing at night for catfish and he said when they could see
the fish in the water and not taking the bait they decided to pull out there
bows and try it that way, and what do you know they got fish. That’s how the
love of bow fishing became the best topic at our Thanksgiving meal.
Since we met our obligation of Thanksgiving with the in-laws
on Thursday we decided to head out of town and meet my parents at the cabin up
on Willamette Pass. We have always loved going there, it is such a nice place
to go and relax and let our dog, Charlie, run around in the woods. It did not
let us down again, we had a great time up there. I always love fishing with my
dad, he is one of those guys that just loves to fly fish, he loves that chess
like game with fish and their holding spots or how they run up river in certain
conditions. Every time we fish together I always gain another piece of knowledge
that would have taken years to figure out on my own. Now after saying this
there is one piece I will leave for him, that is his strange obsession with
catching a Brown trout from Crescent Lake. I am pretty sure it his white whale
in life, this elusive creature that he has never seen but just knows it is
lurking about in the lake. This weekend we tried the tactic of fishing at dusk
and targeting right behind the spawning kokonee, somehow he knows the Browns
just hang out behind feeding off the eggs. Well, it was a couple pleasant hours each night hanging
out and fishing with my father but now Browns just a couple of those kokonee
fish. The legend of the Brown lives on.